Monday, August 16, 2010

Real Housewives Night-Yessssss

So it's a good evening, REAL HOUSEWIVES comes on tonight!
 (sigh,smile,giggle,shoulder shrug)

It's almost gym time--feeling pretty good about myself because I didn't eat like a maniac today.  Although I found these little snacks at the office and decided I would take a pack and that would be my dinner--one problem, I thought they said "SUGAR FREE WAFERS" but in fact--they did not.

They said "SUGAR WAFERS," I noticed this after I ate the whole pack.  

Annnnnnyway--  I've decided to make a list of  things that annoyed me today:

1.  The girl at work who asks me to scan and email her papers to her.  Firstly, I do not work for you, lets get that straight.  Secondly, it's 4:58 and you're asking me for a favor?  Thirdly, You get on my nerves and last but certainly not least, stop talking to me, please.  

    (on a side note I DID email her papers to her------nice)

2. The men riding their bikes down Hwy. 90, not in the "bike lane" or whatever you call it.  Sweetie, if you don't have a car what makes you think you can ride in the road?  Those of us in motor vehicles with places to go and people to see are not yielding to you.  Get on the sidewalk.

3. The lady at the cleaners who groaned when she looked at my dress.  Excuse me?  It's not even dirty--unfortunately its dry clean only so I am paying you to clean it.  Get over it--I paid more than $100 for a dress and you are cleaning it.  Thanks and see you tomorrow at 6.

4. People inviting me places after I already said no.  I told you Saturday I wasn't going to dinner, why are you asking me again?  My mind isn't changing, I'd rather go to the gym and spray tan instead.

 ooohhhhhh and I almost forgot---

I opened the refrigerator in the break room, noticed one of my co workers had written his name on a Red Bull so......I hid it waaaaayyyyy in the back so he couldn't find it. 

He came in later, I heard the refrigerator open then I saw him walk out (without it)  and I laughed to myself then ran back and put it where he left it.  Clever right?  This poor guy is Confused with a capital C..........  Or maybe he didn't notice? but its funnier  to pretend he is confused

Well, off to get skinny and tan
Start the count down....................

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh Trin, you make me laugh. Love your blog. So glad you joined us's addicting, watch out. MISS YOU!