It’s Friday for me today…. I’m off tomorrow, yes!
I had lunch with some other fabulous girlfriends, Amy and Alison on Monday at Mary Mahoney’s, we had such a good time! I LOVE lunch with girlfriends……….I always leave feeling fabulous because they remind me how lucky I am.
Wednesday was Heidi’s birthday so……we took the liberty of decorating her cubicle as tacky/fabulous as we could. This was the view from my desk all day…… uuuggghhh all those skanky brightly colored cheap balloons
There was a “Princess” balloon that I wanted for my desk SO BAD but everyone was quick to tell me it wasn’t my day…………FINE.

We enjoyed dinner at Ruth’s Chris after our 5 o’clock meeting. I had the three course special thing and OH MY GOD, just an FYI do not wear a pencil skirt (with SPANX underneath) when you are going to a dinner of any type. Although, it did probably keep me from eating as much as I normally would? So….maybe it was a good idea?
Ahhhh........these make me laugh and they also reaffirm that I have always thought myself and my friends were fabulous. Like....what other girls did you see having a photo shoot out on the football field?
If I could go back in time I would tell 18 year old me:
1. DO NOT go to Pearl River to play soccer, you're going to hate it.
2. Don't get those random piercings just because you feel like being cool--you'll take them out within a few months and to be quite honest they make you look like a skank.
3. Live it up while you're hanging out at Mahogany--those man chasing nights with your girlfriends won't last long!
4. Shots are never a good idea--ever
5. You're going to think you're dating "The One" your senior year of college--you're so wrong but you'll be a better person because of it, so... go for it!
6. You're going to have SO much fun in college, don't ever miss a party--because that's the stuff you remember, not the classes
7. You think you'll be a grown up by the time you graduate college but you'll be more terrified than ever!
8. You're going to get a fabulous job offer the morning of college graduation--so don't stress about it!
9. Tailgate just a few hours longer--it's not the same when you aren't a college student!
10. You don't have to have a new outfit from Forever 21 EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. you and the girls decide to go out.
I need to find a picture of all 6 of us from graduation--I'm sure I have 100's of them somewhere......
but....................... here are a couple of my old favorties:
I’m meeting this lady for lunch in Ocean Springs, so excited to catch up!!
I had lunch with some other fabulous girlfriends, Amy and Alison on Monday at Mary Mahoney’s, we had such a good time! I LOVE lunch with girlfriends……….I always leave feeling fabulous because they remind me how lucky I am.
Wednesday was Heidi’s birthday so……we took the liberty of decorating her cubicle as tacky/fabulous as we could. This was the view from my desk all day…… uuuggghhh all those skanky brightly colored cheap balloons
There was a “Princess” balloon that I wanted for my desk SO BAD but everyone was quick to tell me it wasn’t my day…………FINE.
These are some of the sweet ladies from my office:

We enjoyed dinner at Ruth’s Chris after our 5 o’clock meeting. I had the three course special thing and OH MY GOD, just an FYI do not wear a pencil skirt (with SPANX underneath) when you are going to a dinner of any type. Although, it did probably keep me from eating as much as I normally would? So….maybe it was a good idea?
Anyway…I was cleaning my condo last night and for some reason when I’m “cleaning,” I always decide that I’m going to clean out a drawer or two---but I actually always end up looking at old pictures…….So last night I came across a cd titled
“Stone High School Graduation , May 19, 2006”
“Stone High School Graduation , May 19, 2006”
I stuck the disc in my laptop and this is what I found:
My BEST friends, who are still my BEST FRIENDS minus Jerr and Tone
Ahhhh........these make me laugh and they also reaffirm that I have always thought myself and my friends were fabulous. Like....what other girls did you see having a photo shoot out on the football field?
If I could go back in time I would tell 18 year old me:
1. DO NOT go to Pearl River to play soccer, you're going to hate it.
2. Don't get those random piercings just because you feel like being cool--you'll take them out within a few months and to be quite honest they make you look like a skank.
3. Live it up while you're hanging out at Mahogany--those man chasing nights with your girlfriends won't last long!
4. Shots are never a good idea--ever
5. You're going to think you're dating "The One" your senior year of college--you're so wrong but you'll be a better person because of it, so... go for it!
6. You're going to have SO much fun in college, don't ever miss a party--because that's the stuff you remember, not the classes
7. You think you'll be a grown up by the time you graduate college but you'll be more terrified than ever!
8. You're going to get a fabulous job offer the morning of college graduation--so don't stress about it!
9. Tailgate just a few hours longer--it's not the same when you aren't a college student!
10. You don't have to have a new outfit from Forever 21 EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. you and the girls decide to go out.
I need to find a picture of all 6 of us from graduation--I'm sure I have 100's of them somewhere......
but....................... here are a couple of my old favorties:
Told You.
We're best friends............
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